Thursday, March 8, 2012

Why This Blog Was Made

This blog was an assignment for my Creative Writing class, we had to choose a blog topic and then create posts about said topic.

I picked gaming because it is something that relaxes me and helps me unwind. I also watch a lot of gaming commentary on Youtube, which makes me laugh.

I have been into games since I was about seven or eight. (I nearly fell over from excitement when I got my Gamecube for Christmas that year!) I have also made a bunch of friends through playing games, and even met my boyfriend through one of my gamer friends. I figured I would share this story with my followers.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mass Effect 3 DLC

Today on Bioware's message boards, the DLC for Mass Effect 3 had been announced. "We're happy to confirm that Mass Effect 3: From Ashes DLC will be available at launch for all platforms. For those of you who have purchased the N7 Collector's Edition (including the PC Digital Deluxe Edition), you will get this content at no extra charge. We'll have a lot more details for you later this week! Stay Tuned!" Some fans are conflicted with the fact that it will be free for people who have purchased the Collector's Edition.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Skyrim Poem

This poem in the latest issue of Game Informer (Issue 227 - March 2012) has to do with Skyrim for the PS3.

"This is how Skyrim for the PS3 makes me feel.
The flames lick the ground, scorching the fine brown glades of grass at my feet, but I am a statue, tall and picturesque in the fading sun.
I hold my ground unflinchingly as the beast's wings spread open to wrap me in the fierce pangs of death.
I steady myself and ready my blade, I lunge at the dragon with red hot glowing eyes.
I shout.
My voice lashes out at the dragon's very soul, forcing the beast down to the charred earth before me.
The smoke rises as a smile creases my lips.
I am Dragonborn.
This is my des-.
Sorry, the game just froze. I was attempting to say 'destiny'."

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Nintendo's Money Problems

As some of you may know, Nintendo's stock prices have been going down recently.

When the 3DS arrived, many Nintendo fans were exited for the 3D games that were to come for it. However, the price was too high for some, and because of this, not as many were sold as when the DSi, DS Lite, or original DS were first released.

Also, the Wii-U that is announced to come out this holiday season may undergo a name change when E3 2012 rolls around. It is criticized for having a revamped name of its predecessor, like the 3DS.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Upcoming Minecraft Patch

The latest Minecraft patch, 12w06a, is introducing many new things, as well as fixing some minor bugs.

  • The Ocelots/Cats (introduced in snapshot 12w04a) have gained sounds. They will now hiss, purr, meow, cry, and howl.
  • The Wooden Doors will make a banging sound when Zombies try to break them down. (Part of the new Zombie AI, where they can bust down Wooden Doors on Hard difficulty and Hardcore Mode.)
  • Doors have been fixed to recognize if they are open or closed.
  • The Villagers AI has been improved. They will now interact with each other and passive mobs, they will go inside shelter if it is raining, and they will run from Zombies.
  • Along with busting down Wooden Doors in Hard difficulty and Hardcore Mode, the Zombies will now also chase and attack Villagers and try to escape sunlight.
  • Water movement has been slowed down for most mobs, exept for Cave Spiders and Zombie Pigmen. Cave Spiders will swim fast with a current, but barely move against it. Zombie Pigmen will now generally swim faster.
  • Rare item drops have been created for Zombies, Skeletons, and Zombie Pigmen. There is now a small chance that Zombies will drop an Iron Ingot, Helmet, Shovel, or Sword. Skeletons will drop eiher a regular or enchanted Bow. Zombie Pigmen will drop a Gold Ingot, Shovel, Helmet, or Sword.
  • Instead of a spinning Pig, Mob Spawners will now show a spinning version of the mob being spawned.
Along with the improvements and additions, there are also some notable bugs.
  • There is a chance that the Wolf AI will completely break, making them not able to follow or teleport to the player. They can still be tamed and told to sit. They may also teleport if the player is hit, even while sitting.
  • Zombies can break down Iron Doors on Hard difficulty.
  • Mobs with a sight radius of 16 blocks will not see the player if the player is 1-2 layers above said mob.
  • Cave Spiders will sometimes not swim.
  • Redstone circuitry will still stay lit after a Redstone Torch is removed if it was used to power Pistons that repeatedly push blocks.
Here is a Skeleton Mob Spawner

A crowd of villagers hiding from the rain

A Villager being chased by a hoard of Zombies

Regular and enchanted Gold Swords dropped by Zombie Pigmen